CQ Solutions

‘You know about other cultures, but do you know how to relate with people who are culturally different to you? This could be ethnic, generational, organisational and intersectional. CQ is more than becoming aware or sensitive to culture, it’s about developing the skill of building relationships across culture.’

Exhaustive research clearly confirms that having a mix of people in an organisation is not enough to create better outcomes, you need an inclusive culture too; and the benefits of having both are tangible.

So, what could a Cultural Intelligence Program look like and what would it achieve?

Ultimately, we’re talking about building deeper connection through CQ skills which will result in greater inclusion, innovation, productivity and retention of quality staff.

CQ can be used in a variety of ways including:

  • Put feet on your Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Program—CQ offers a practical data-driven approach with a focus on skill development rather than upon compliance or punitive efforts.
  • Leadership Development Programs—start at the top and develop a leadership team characterised by CQ. The CQ 360 Assessment may come in handy here.
  • Team Building Programs – help teams to shape a healthier dynamic by becoming aware of their cultural mix and through the shaping of a Team Charter.